Monday, March 13, 2006

A Warm Day
It was a mild weekend here in Pittsburgh. Yesterday was sort of a Seattle-ish day, pouring in the morning, and rain hung in the air all day. The kind of humidity that makes your skin stop itching constantly from being so dry. This morning, I took my dog on a long run in shorts and a t-shirt (I was in the shorts and t-shirt, not the dog).

If you don't believe me that the weather is worthy of conversation, check out Pr. Petersen's post for today.

I'm reading a slightly bizarre but intriguing book called Julie and Julia. It's interesting for us bloggers. The author, Julie Powell decided to--in the span of 365 days--try out every Julia Child recipe in her first cookbook, Mastering the Art of French Cooking. Then Julie Powell blogged about how the recipes turned out. It's really smart and insightful and makes me want to try some of the recipes. It also shows how blogging can sometimes lead to bestselling books. The most humorous part so far is when her husband, brother, and friend track down a piece of a cow bone. Then Julie has to scrape the bone marrow out of the bone to cook down (with butter, of course) a sauce for the steak she's serving. (And, no, I absolutely will not be trying that recipe--although the steaks did taste good, she said.)

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