Monday, October 31, 2005

What Made My Day
You know what made my day yesterday? I had gotten up to church early yesterday morning to help the Sunday school kids prepare for the song they were going to sing during the Reformation service. Then I got everything ready for teaching Sunday school. So, I was in a tizzy trying to get everything together.

I began Sunday school by asking the five boys in the room for prayer requests and for things we could thank God for. Two of the boys kept going on about this great sleepover they had, etc., etc., (and they shall remain nameless).

And then one of the new boys in the group, who is nine years old, looked at me with these sincere eyes, and said, "I want to thank God that He let me be here today."

I just wanted to scoop him up and give him a hug because I was so glad he was there too. He had missed Sunday school the week before, and was just happy to be there that day. And I thought, wow, here is this sweet little boy thanking God for the simplest thing. And what a gift that was to me that morning to be reminded to thank God for being able to be at church.

Anyway, that's what made my day yesterday.

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